Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Accidental Inspiration

OK, I accidentally came across some bouquets on Etsy while I was searching for a bridesmaid's dress bc my roomie is getting married soon. I know what you're thinking, "Bridesmaid dress lead you to did that happen?" Honestly, I don't know...I think it was fate, because it inspired me to try out a new idea -- crocheted flower bouqets! I hope my Frankenstein will be cute...we'll see I'm going to start crocheting flowers now!

p.s. here are some of the items that inspired me!

You can find these in RBK Creations Etsy shop!

And you can find these in muscariwhitesflorist's Etsy shope :-)

I hope you're having a good week!
xoxo - Krackle

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

...making a comeback

I've been gone for so long! This semester has really taken over my life. I started filling out my graduation application over Spring Break and it was nice to realize I only have 7 classes left....and one of them is an internship :-)! <----WHICH I am really excited about! My friend had some connections at Dempsey and got me an interview and they gave me an I just have to get everything straight with the university. I am so excited about it and hopefully it will turn into a job eventually.

Yesterday was the first day back from Spring Break...and it was ROUGH! I think I did everything wrong. It was pretty bad. I didn't even get home from the lab until 1:30AM...I was so frustrated and tired. The boyfriend called and chatted with me a bit. haha he reminded me I only have 7 classes left to take. He knows just what to say, right? Today will be better...I'm officially out of Spring Break mode now.

I just wanted to check in. I'm getting back in the blogging groove this week I promise. :-)


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Danger Jones Recap

First tip for things you need to bring to a a thousand pens/pencils. Because inevitably no one will bring their own and everybody will need one.

We had an awesome first couple of days. I mean unbelievable - as in almost nothing went wrong. It was incredible.

(There were so many people in my tiny house!!)

THEN...we started shooting exteriors. Which, let me tell you, are never easy no matter how prepared you think you are. The important thing is to power through and get the shots.

The best thing to do is try and keep everyone happy on long grueling days so that even if you're way behind schedule at least you're not way behind schedule on a really tense or moody set.

Lucky for us Team Danger was fantastic and devoted. We got 100% out of everybody and did a great job. It was so much fun!

We just finished our first rough cut of the film and the trailer. We're meeting with composers next week! I am so excited to get an epic spy theme composed...


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Wednesday Stress Relief

I need a break. Like desperately. I want to cry when I look at my schedule. I have something due every week from now until finals week. (With the exception of Spring Break...thank the Lord!) I don't even know how to deal with this much stress...I'm not usually this bogged down. I mean typically I get busy but I can still see the light at the end of the tunnel, this semester is one big endless tunnel.

I don't mean to complain so much. I'm still enjoying myself. I deal with the stress in a few ways:

1. carmel macchiato with hazelnut
2. A bit of bible reading.
3. pandora - temper trap station or adele station (although yesterday is was a rod stewart station haha)
4. netflix on the iPad in bed with Roxy keeping my feet warm. That is the best part of the day I think :-)

Today, I took two tests, finished a rough cut for a friend's film, am waiting to pick up the rough cut of Team Danger's film, and have an essay to write by Friday. So since I have a lull because I'm at the halfway point I'm going to do some major unwinding tonight. I might even venture over to CYC for a trip through their magical froyo buffet!

How do you handle your everyday stress?
