Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Estados Unidos...te amo!

Oh my goodness. I am back, and I am mostly unpacked. I have been washing clothes all day long. I'll have some pictures to post tomorrow. I am just totally wiped out tonight. Can I just take a minute to say...my time in the Dominican Republic was amazing, eye opening, and life changing. I remembered that I love travelling. I officially love facebook for keeping me in touch with a lot of my new friends. And I really need to take my spanish classes because I need to be able to do more than understand it. I can't wait to dive into all the footage I have and turn out an awesome true-life representation of what we did over there. If you haven't been to the blog to read some of the stories you should. I'll post some pics and stories of my own tomorrow. For now I'm going to settle in with some tea, a book, and my DVR. 

I've missed you lovelies!


1 comment:

Katie. said...

I can't wait to see some pictures and read some stories!